Hematology Clinic was inaugurated at Era's Lucknow Medical College by Mr. Vilayat Jafri, ex-Director, Doordarshan, Lucknow. According to Prof. Shrish Bhatnagar, Head, Department of Pediatrics, the clinic will run under the supervision of Prof. Archana Kumar, a well-known Hemato-oncologist on every 1st and 3rd Friday of the month. Hon'ble Vice Chancellor Era University, Prof. Abbas Ali Mahdi, Dean & Principal Prof. M.M.A. Faridi, Medical Superintendent Col. Arvind Kumar, Deputy Medical Superintendent Dr. Khalid Shamsi, Head Department of Biotechnology Prof. Tasleem Raza were also present on the occasion.
Speaking on the occasion Prof. Archana Kumar said that hematologic diseases are the disorders of the blood and blood-forming organs, and they afflict a large number of children needing specialized treatment and care. She said that hematologic diseases include rare genetic disorders like anemia (Iron and vitamin B12 deficiency), lymphoma, leukemia (blood cancer), neuroblastoma (brain cancer), Wilms tumor (kidney tumor) and osteosarcoma (bone cancer). She further stated that there are various complications associated with chemotherapy or transfusions during these diseases and they all need expert management.
Prof. Mahdi added that the Department of Pathology and newly established, Departments of Personalized and Molecular Medicine and Biotechnology will support this clinic by starting new diagnostic tests for early diagnosis of these diseases. He said that Prof. S.R. Mehdi and Prof. Tasleem Raza are specially trained in the area of Hemato-oncology and they will be carrying out specific genetic tests for quick diagnosis of Hematological diseases.