Department of Mental Health Nursing

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Department of Mental Health Nursing


Prof. (Dr.) Priscilla Samson

Head of Department Mental Health Nursing
Era University, Lucknow

Message From HOD

The Department of Mental Health Nursing provides excellent service in psychiatric nursing education, practice, and research, including comprehensive and holistic nursing care services aiming at preventive, promotive, curative, and rehabilitative components of neuropsychiatric care in the hospital and the community.
Mental Health Nursing is a rewarding and sometimes challenging profession requiring technical expertise, deep compassion, and empathy. Our Department focuses on providing students with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills they need to support individuals through mental health challenges. The Mental Health Nursing curriculum is well designed to cater to the needs of all individuals, including children, adults, the elderly, and individuals requiring special mental health care. We emphasize a holistic approach to care, helping students develop strong communication skills, emotional resilience, and the ability to work within multidisciplinary teams.
The Department has qualified and adequate faculty who actively teach diploma, undergraduate, and postgraduate students, mentor them in patient care and research, and conduct a variety of educational initiatives. Students gain valuable clinical experience at the Psychiatric Unit of the Parent Hospital, Era's Lucknow Medical College & Hospital, the Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation Centre, and Noor Manzil Psychiatric Hospital in Lucknow. Furthermore, the Department organizes mental health awareness programs in schools and across urban and rural areas in Lucknow. A unique feature of the Department of Mental Health Nursing is the interprofessional approach to promoting mental health amongst all University students and faculty by organizing mental health programs in collaboration with the Departments of Happiness and Clinical Psychology.
We are excited to welcome passionate and dedicated individuals to our program.

  • Mr. Libin Babu
    Associate Professor
    Era University, Lucknow
    Mob: +919961222630

  • Miss. Shabih Zehra
    Assistant Professor
    Era University, Lucknow
    Contact: +917317099951

  • Miss. Aarushi David
    M.Sc. Tutor
    Era University, Lucknow
    Contact: +919044711160

  • Miss. Akansha K Nath
    Tutor / Clinical Instructor
    Era University, Lucknow
    Mob: +919198511818

  • Miss. Ekta Arya
    Nursing Tutor / Clinical Instructor
    Era University, Lucknow
    Mob: +918957909706

  • Miss. Fariya Zaidi
    Nursing Tutor / Clinical Instructor
    Era University, Lucknow
    Mob: +919235999689

  • Miss. Anamika Pal
    Nursing Tutor / Clinical Instructor
    Era University, Lucknow
    Mob: +919651035974


Name of the programme: M.Sc. Nursing
1. The candidate should be a Registered Nurse and Registered Midwife or equivalent with any State Nursing Registration Council.
2. The minimum education requirements shall be the passing of B.Sc. Nursing/B.Sc. Hons. Nursing/Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing with minimum of 55% aggregate marks.
3. Minimum one year of work experience after Basic B.Sc. Nursing. 4. Minimum one year of work experience prior or after Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing
No. of Seats: 32
Course Duration: 2 Years
Objective/Outcomes(PO’s,PSO): View

Name of the programme: B.Sc. Nursing

  • The minimum age for admissions shall be 17 yrs on 31st December of the year in which admissions is sought. The maximum age limit for admission shall be 35 yrs.
  • Minimum Educational Qualification

    a. Candidate with Science who have passed the qualifying 12th standard examination (10+2) and must have obtained a minimum of 45% marks n Physics, Chemistry and Biology taken together and passed in English individually.
    b. Candidates are also eligible from State Open School recognized by State Government and National institute of open School (NIOS) recognized by Central Government having science subjects and English only.
    c. English is a compulsory subject in 10+2 for being eligible for admission to B.Sc (Nursing).

  • Candidate shall be medically fit.
  • Married candidates are also eligible for admission.
  • Students shall be admitted once in a year.

No. of Seats: 80
Course Duration: 4 Years
Objective/Outcomes(PO’s,PSO): View

Name of the programme: P.B.B.Sc. Nursing

  • Passed the Higher Secondary or Senior Secondary or Intermediate or 10+2 or an equivalent examination recognized by the university for this purpose. Those who have done 10+1 in or before 1986, will be eligible for admission.
  • Obtained a certificate in General Nursing and Midwifery and registered as R.N.R.M. with the State Nurses Registration Council. A male nurse, trained before the implementation of the new integrated course besides being registered as a nurse with State Nurses Registration Council, shall produce evidence of training approved by Indian Nursing Council for a similar duration in lieu of midwifery in any one of the following areas:
    • O.T. Techniques
    • Ophthalmic Nursing
    • Leprosy Nursing
    • TB Nursing
    • Psychiatric Nursing
    • Neurological and Neuro surgical Nursing
    • Community Health Nursing
    • Cancer Nursing
    • Orthopedic Nursing
  • Candidates shall be medically fit.
  • Students shall be admitted once in a year.
  • Married candidates are also eligible for admission.

No. of Seats: 30
Course Duration: 2 Years
Objective/Outcomes(PO’s,PSO): View

Name of the programme: GNM

  • Minimum education eligibility criteria for admission to GNM:
    • 10+2 with English and must have obtained a minimum of 40% at the qualifying examination and English individually for any recognized board. Candidates are also eligible from State Open School recognized by State Government and National Institute of Open School (NIOS) recognized by Central Government. However, Science is preferable.
    • 10+2 with English having 40% of marks in vocational ANM course from the school recognized by Indian Nursing council.
    • 10+2 with English having 40% of marks in Vocational Stream-Health care Science from a recognized CBSE board/State/Centre.
    • Registered ANM with pass mark.
    • For foreign nationals
    • The entry qualification equivalency i.e., 12th standard will be obtained by Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi. Institution, State Nursing Council will be responsible to ensure that the qualification and eligibility will be equivalent to what has been prescribed as above.
  • Reservation:
  • For disabled candidates: 3% Disability reservation to be considered with a disability of locomotor to the tune of 40% to 50% of the lower extremity and other eligibility criteria with regard to age and qualification will be same as prescribed for each nursing programme.
  • Note: A committee to be formed consisting of medical officer authorized by medical board of state government and a nursing expert in the panel which may decide whether the candidates have the disability of locomotor of 40% to 50%. 5% of total marks is relaxed for SC/ST candidates. Any other quotas as per the State Govt.
  • Under the reservation policy
  • Note: Reservation shall be applicable within the sanctioned number of the seats by INC and not above it.
  • Admission of students shall be once in a year.
  • Students shall be medically fit.
  • Minimum age for admission will be 17 years. (as on 31st December of that year) The upper age limit is 35 yrs.

No. of Seats: 100
Course Duration: 3 Years
Objective/Outcomes(PO’s,PSO): View

Name of the programme: ANM

  • The minimum age for admission shall be 17 years on or before 31st December of the year in which admission is sought.
  • The maximum age for admission shall be 30 years.
  • The minimum educational requirements shall be the passing of 12 years of schooling (10 + 2 year course) recognised by CBSE/ICSE/SSSCE/HSCE or a recognized equivalent examination.
  • Student shall be medically fit.
  • Students qualified in 10+2 Arts or Science examination conducted by National Institute of Open School.
  • Student shall be admitted once in a year.

No. of Seats: 60
Course Duration: 2Years
Objective/Outcomes(PO’s,PSO): View


Msc Nursing Syllabus View

PBBSC Nursing Syllabus View

GNM Syllabus View

ANM Syllabus View


Contact: +918960730303