"Empowering Future Nurses with a Strong Foundation.
Welcome to the Nursing Foundation Department at Era College of Nursing. Our department is committed to providing a comprehensive foundation in nursing sciences, skills, and practices.
We focus on fostering critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills, preparing our students for successful nursing careers. In this department we believe service as a nursing excellence, provide quality nursing education, practice and research, getting ready future nurses to attain global competence.
Miss. Neha Patel
Tutor / Clinical Instructor
Era University, Lucknow
Mob: +918318843536
Email: nehababy77775@gmail.com
Miss. Anjali Mishra
Tutor / Clinical Instructor
Era University, Lucknow
Contact: +918957986928
Email: mishra.anjali61297@gmail.com
Miss. Deeksha Shukla
Tutor / Clinical Instructor
Era University, Lucknow
Contact: +917905638406
Email: deekshashuklamsd@gmail.com
Miss. Nishi Mirza
Tutor / Clinical Instructor
Era University, Lucknow
Mob: +919335095922
Email: nishimirza474@gmail.com
Name of the programme: M.Sc. Nursing
1. The candidate should be a Registered Nurse and Registered Midwife or equivalent with any State Nursing Registration Council.
2. The minimum education requirements shall be the passing of B.Sc. Nursing/B.Sc. Hons. Nursing/Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing with minimum of 55% aggregate marks.
3. Minimum one year of work experience after Basic B.Sc. Nursing.
4. Minimum one year of work experience prior or after Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing
No. of Seats: 32
Course Duration: 2 Years
Objective/Outcomes(PO’s,PSO): View
Name of the programme: B.Sc. Nursing
a. Candidate with Science who have passed the qualifying 12th standard examination (10+2) and must have obtained a minimum of 45% marks n Physics, Chemistry and Biology taken together and passed in English individually.
b. Candidates are also eligible from State Open School recognized by State Government and National institute of open School (NIOS) recognized by Central Government having science subjects and English only.
c. English is a compulsory subject in 10+2 for being eligible for admission to B.Sc (Nursing).
No. of Seats: 80
Course Duration: 4 Years
Objective/Outcomes(PO’s,PSO): View
Name of the programme: P.B.B.Sc. Nursing
No. of Seats: 30
Course Duration: 2 Years
Objective/Outcomes(PO’s,PSO): View
Name of the programme: GNM
No. of Seats: 100
Course Duration: 3 Years
Objective/Outcomes(PO’s,PSO): View
Name of the programme: ANM
No. of Seats: 60
Course Duration: 2Years
Objective/Outcomes(PO’s,PSO): View
Email: firozzehra1987@gmail.com
Contact: +919870335067